Children’s Stories, Picture Books & Read-Alouds

…for homeschooling and classroom curriculum

I am so thrilled to offer a range of children’s stories, picture books and read-alouds in your homeschool, classroom or therapy practice.

High-quality children’s literature offers un-ending benefits for children (and adults too!). As a teacher, stories are at the centre of my practice. They provide a gateway for adults to directly connect with children’s imagination, hopes and experiences. In turn, they invite endless possibilities for learning and joy. Sometimes, however, I can’t find a high quality story that explores the specific concepts or experiences that I am looking for…so I write my own! All of these books are in animated, video-book format and are read aloud (narrated) by me.

Children’s picture books, stories and read-alouds

Jasmine's New Home Children's Book

Jasmine’s New Home

With Winter fast approaching, Jasmine needs to build a new home. She sets off to find materials for a sturdy house, but encounters several problems along the way. To overcome these challenges, Jasmine must learn more about trees, and how they contribute to the well-being of the land, animals, and the Earth. This story introduces children to…
Jasper and the Whispering Willow - Free Children's Book

Jasper and the Whispering Willow (Free)

Jasper, one of the gnomes from Whisper Wood, is growing bored at home. When he hears about the magical Whispering Willow tree, he sets out to find it. What adventures await Jasper as he begins to explore nature and the place around him?
Juniper and the Rainbow Birds Children's Book about colour and rainbows

Juniper and the Rainbow Birds

Juniper the gnome, lives in a secret crystal cave in the Whisper Woods. Every day, Juniper explores the forest in search for colourful gems, leaves, and rocks for their colour collection. One morning, they decide to paint a meadow filled with white flowers. As they are painting, two little birds start playing with Juniper’s colours, spreading it…
Winston's Tornado - Free Children's Book

Winston’s Tornado (Free)

The only thing Winston loves more that collecting unusual sounds, is sharing them with his best friend, Mavis. But one day, Winston loses his favourite sound. How do the two friends solve a problem that seems to have no solution? A story about neurodiversity, friendship and belonging.  